My Reason Why

Giving back is also very important to Yann Faho. He is the founder of the Helen Reba Baynard scholarship, created by his family in his grandmother’s name, which awards multiple scholarships annually to high school seniors who have dealt with tragedy or who are struggling to raise money for college.

Yann served in the United States Air Force for ten years and spent 15 years working on Wall Street. He began his Wall Street career as a stockbroker and later became an investment banker. Having raised close to $100 million in his career, he has raised money for many well-known companies. On several occasions, he was honored to ring the bell at the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq. He was shown on CNBC and Fox business ringing the bell with his team. He has also been featured on other media outlets as well. His podcast Retirement Paradise is featured on Apple, Google, Spotify, and Pandora.

“I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth. Growing up I saw my mother financially fight to scrape money together to do the simplest things. I never want anyone to experience what I went thru, but it made me who I am today. Family retirement planning is not a job for me, it’s my heart and soul.”

Yann Faho

“Successful retirement is defined as a stream of income sufficient to sustain your chosen standard of living.

That standard of living is measured by income not the value of a pile of money.”


"What we need to be focused on is creating an INCOME not just a lump sum."

— Olivia Mitchell

Ph.d. Wharton, and Presidential Economic Advisor

“There’s a big difference between wealth and income.

Knowing I have a million dollars doesn’t tell me the lifestyle I can enjoy from that million. What we care about is the lifestyle.

So you can forget fund values, income is all that matters. Just knowing how much money you have doesn’t tell you how you can live. You need to know how much you can buy.

The primary concern of the saver remains, what it always has been: Will I have sufficient income in retirement to live comfortably?”

— Robert C. Merton



An untimely death or accident can create additional stress and financial pressure on our closest loved ones if we don’t plan ahead.


A single 20% or 30% market crash can not only hurt your account balances, but it can cause you to run out of money years sooner.


CPA and Tax Expert Ed Slott says “Taxes are a larger risk than market crashes.” If you have all your retirement income in qualified plans like IRAs and 401(k)s that require you to pay taxes when you take the money out, you have a huge tax liability.


Statistics show that long term health care costs can be the largest expense in retirement. What have you done to protect your nest egg and your family from being hammered by this expense?


Will your nest egg provide enough income to give you the retirement you want, for as long as you live? Most people have no idea.


Longevity is the great RISK MULTIPLIER. Do you know how long you will live? Hopefully a long prosperous life. Longer life spans multiply the likelihood of each of these risks happening to you.